
One on One Mentoring


Change your child’s world through Strengths-based Mentoring.

The proven difference between young people who do well in life (despite adversity) as opposed to others who become overwhelmed and uncertain is the presence of a significant mentor (or supportive adult) who equips them to thrive.

Strength Potential One on One mentoring brings out the best in a young person by focusing on their strengths.

Everyone has strengths, but too often we focus on ‘fixing’ weaknesses. Strength Potential does what our name suggests. We help people discover and develop their strengths, supporting them as they move towards reaching their potential.

Through One on One Mentoring, we link in a trained mentor who builds trust and rapport with your young person to help identify strengths and values, set goals, and support the young person to achieve these goals. This process helps each young person move towards discovering their purpose in life, developing confidence and dealing with the challenges they might face. Each mentoring session is focused on the young person’s needs and involves a wide range of activities that will help address those needs.


Why Strengths-Based Mentoring?

The most effective mentors are strength-based. Our mentors seek opportunities to build a caring, respectful relationship with your child. They will support them to develop positively through activities and interactions that are mutually enjoyable, meaningful, challenging and success-oriented. Taking this approach, mentoring has the potential to change the lives of both mentees and mentors.

Strength Potential Mentors are young adults who have relevant life experience and have made a commitment to a long-term connection to provide genuine care. They are dedicated, trustworthy and relationship-focused.

Each Strength Potential Mentor has been carefully screened, trained in strengths mentoring, has appropriate Blue and/or Yellow Cards and has been trained in child safety.


The Mentoring Journey


Establishing Trust and Rapport

The primary objective in the initial stages of a mentoring relationship is to cultivate trust and rapport between the mentor and the young person. Recognising the unique nature of each individual, we understand that the pace at which trust is built may vary. Our dedicated mentors at Strength Potential strive to achieve this by consistently being reliable and connecting with the young person based on their interests.


Identification and Alignment of Strengths and Values

Once a solid foundation of trust and rapport is established, mentors help the young person discover and embrace their unique strengths and values. At Strength Potential, we often employ tools such as the ‘Gallup’s Strengthsfinder Assessment for Students’ or the ‘High Five Assessment’ to pinpoint the strengths of the young person. This assessment not only highlights their strengths but also provides follow-up exercises to help them harness these strengths. Additionally, mentors utilise online value assessments to complement the newly identified strengths.


Goal-oriented Approach Utilising Strengths and Values

With trust secured and strengths and values identified, mentors guide the young person in achieving their NDIS goals by leveraging their unique strengths. Whether the objectives involve a successful high school transition, emotional regulation skills development, securing employment, budgeting, or any other aspirations, our mentors tailor their support accordingly.


Continued Support

At this stage, mentors actively support the young person in staying on course with their set goals and addressing any challenges they may encounter.


Achievement and Progress

In reaching this point, the young person gains a clearer understanding of their strengths and values, enabling them to overcome challenges and realise their goals. At this juncture, the mentoring relationship may either conclude or continue as required, depending on the ongoing needs of the individual.

Developing your potential through Strengths